Triple Trouble

First and foremost.

As has now become traditional of A Million Reflections, a very belated Eid Mubarak, dear readers! May Allah accept all of our imperfect Ibaadah, and grant us long lives to see many, many more Eids to come. And let’s take a moment to remember those who may be in any kind of pain or difficulty, be it family, finance, studies, poverty … and offer a prayer. May we all be alleviated from our problems, big or small. I personally had a very busy and fun Eid with lots of family and kids running around everywhere. How was yours? πŸ™‚


Happy Independence Day, dear Pakistanis! (okay, and Indians) Belated of course, in my signature style πŸ˜‰ May we all be blessed with prosperity, unity, stability, unity, freedom from the shackles of corruption, and most importantly, lots of jalebi. πŸ˜€

And, now. Getting to the point.

I’ve been nominated for my first blog award! I can’t properly put into words how excited and grateful and flattered and indebted and fulfilled and awesome I felt. (okay you get it)

As is customary and familiar to you bloggers, I must now credit who nominated me for this award: the sassy, opinionated young Pakistani, whose ramblings all of us can related to. You can (must!) give her a read here: VDB Says. Oh, and you curious ones can trace the origins of the award here. The man’s name is Will Brooks, I believe.

The award’s called Shine-On.


I must now, for some strange reason, mention seven strange things about myself.

1.Β I routinely talk to myself.

I’m serious. I do it all the time. In the shower, while studying, as I’m making coffee, sitting in a doctor’s waiting room … anytime, anywhere. My family is quite used to it. I don’t think they even notice anymore. I guess it started during those ‘eureka’ moments of mine, I’d murmur something to myself. I now have fairly audible conversations with the multiple mes in my head without even realizing. Don’t let that scare you.

2. I am a thinkaholic.

I think way, waaay more than what’s good for me. In fact, I think more than I actually do anything. Physically I may be here, but mentally I am at least a few million miles away. There is no limitation to how deep and unending my thoughts can get.

3. I’m a geography person.

Call me weird, Β but I love the subject. I think of life as an excitingly complex map taking me from point A to point Β B. Stepping stones in the pond of time. Footsteps in the sands of eternity.

4. I’m a Pakistani with a severe identityΒ conundrum.

I was born and raised in Abu Dhabi, the daughter of Karachiite parents. I currently reside in Riyadh, and speak English with the remains of a British accent. There are some things about Pakistani culture that will be forever alien to me, and certain aspects of life in the UAE which I hold very close to me. It’s ironic, really. If you ask me where I come from I’ll say Pakistan, but what I actually mean is that I have absolutely no idea. And I embrace that fact. It’s fun. Honestly. πŸ˜€

5. I like quotes.

Doesn’t it make you look a whole lot more intelligent and sophisticated? Proving that some famous great mind thinks like yours? On a more serious note, I feel that quotes can add weight and meaning to your otherwise weightless, meaningless words. And aren’t some famous words beautiful.

6. I’m currently going through a purple phase.

I love a different colour every once in a while and my wardrobe shows it. My clothes will tell you that, in the not so distant past, I’ve been through a white phase, a pink phase, a blue phase, and a yellow phase. Right now my entire life will tell you that I’m going through a purple phase: my bedroom wall, my handbag, shoes, earrings, everything. I’ve been in this phase since October 2012 and it’s shown no signs of fading yet. Purple FTW!

7. I’ve a slight OCD streak.

I need certain things to be immaculately organized at all times, and others which just irrationally irritate me to no end. All kitchen items fall under this category, as do books (sometimes). Clothes do not, unfortunately. As for stains (especially those on whitewashed walls) …they can drive me a tiny bit insane.

Now that I’m done being selfish, I will now nominate 15 awesome bloggers for this award. They come from all kinds of backgrounds, and are WordPressers, BlogSpotters and Tumbr-ers (yes, my tongue hurts while saying that,Β too.) Believe me that this list was far more difficult to compile than it looks.

I’ve tried my best to avoid cobweb blogs that haven’t been updated in months, which is sad as some of them were pretty commendable. So, dear bloggers, I know that I myself am guilty as charged, but … please be regular with your posts.

So without further ado -drumroll- I present to you:

The Syeda Sisters

Typwritten Notes



Burger Bachee

Fifty Words A Day

The Roadside Diary

Our Spiritual Heart

Lulu’s View

Deen Sisters


Doodling Through Life

And three more to go. First cum, first served shall we say? Let’s see πŸ˜‰

May you all be blessed.






Filed under Uncategorized Is A Category

10 responses to “Triple Trouble

  1. Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah! You-without a doubt-deserve the nomination. Barakallaahu alaiki. And Jazakillahu khairan…glad you found the blog beneficial and worthy of being nominated πŸ™‚ xXx

  2. Well First of all Big Congrats for the first Award ! I know the excitement and I can recall how Excited I was on my first Award almost 1 and a half month back when I started blogging !
    VBD is always so generous I Love her already πŸ˜‰
    And your 7 points were the most amazing things πŸ˜‰ Though it took me about 10 mins to read them all Lol but I enjoyed them a lot !
    Loved your blog and following you to read more from yo ! I am sure it would be fun πŸ™‚ Love xx

    • Thank you very much! I’m incredibly touched :’)
      VDB is the awesomest — if she hadn’t nominated you for this award already, I would!
      Ahahaha I’m sorry if you were a bit bored to hear me warble about myself, but hey. I like writing ;D
      I love your blog too — you’re talented ma shaa Allah. Keep writing πŸ™‚

      • Haha Oh that’s very sweet of you πŸ™‚
        Lol I was not at all bored πŸ˜› I enjoyed reading all of it πŸ˜‰
        And I love this fact that you like writing πŸ˜› Same here !
        Thank you so very much for his appreciation…It means a lot !
        Love you and stay connected πŸ™‚ xx

  3. EvolvingReflections

    Congratulations, Raweeha! I finally got time to come here :’) And look at my proud twin! May Allah bless you!

    • Thank you twin sis! I just got round to making some major changes myself so no worries. We be in the same boat here πŸ˜‰
      I certainly am blessed, and must admit that there are some heartstrings that your poetry plucks, which my prose never will. ❀
      Keep writing πŸ™‚

  4. Thanks for the link. I used to live in Abu Dhabi too :)! I was born in Bahrain lived there for 5 years, then Abu Dhabi for 8 years, and now America since! enjoying your blog πŸ™‚

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